Monday, December 6, 2010

Lost my mojo

After working so hard to get Papyrus released last week, I find myself in a bit of a knitting slump. Neither the sweater nor the shawl I'm designing are working well, so they're both in time out.

Otherwise, I had only mindless socks on the needles . . . boring! I cast on for a garter stitch scarf in a yarn with a nifty texture so at least I had something to do with my hands while I was thinking.

And that's pretty much it. I'm working on a shop sample, so perhaps pictures of that later? I really should get cracking on some Christmas knitting--I think I'll make a dramatic scarf for the gift exchange at work . . .

What do you do when you've lost your mojo? (Knitting or various.)


AlisonH said...

Not being able to knit for a few days did wonders for kick-starting my wanting to knit. Funny how that works!

Anonymous said...

Convince yourself that you have a 25 page paper on Tertullian due in three days. The trauma should shock your system into overtime procrastination knitting mode.

Should work like a charm.


AlisonH said...

Go to the LYS and immerse yourself in the company of knitters and good yarn. That always works for me.