Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Round and Holey

So I belong to a Ravelry group that is hosting a "Round and Holey" KAL.  (I.e., knit a big old piece of lace in the round.)  Now, you know me and KALs, but in this case, I've wanted to knit a Rose of England for ages.  I had the pattern, I had the yarn, and, having finished Moyen Age and finally blocked that damn Maplewing, I had a hole in my schedule.  (Never mind the piece I'm designing for Heather.  I wasn't talking to that for a few days because I knew I needed to rip it out one final time.  But now I have the initial shaping finalized, so all I have to do is knit for a few inches.  It's good TV knitting.  It lives downstairs.)

So I cast on my Rose of England.  It is the white blobby thing you see in the sidebar.  Here are a few earlier iterations--

Chart A complete:

Chart B complete:

Chart C complete: 

And Chart D complete:

Gets blobbier by the minute!

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