Monday, July 25, 2011

Catchin' Up

It has been so long, my lovelies! I have been knitting mostly in dribs and drabs, but lately have been seized by startitis.

While the Birthday Pi is on hiatus (awaiting more yarn), I've also started another Mawelucky shawl, Dorothy:

Because I'm a madwoman, I'm knitting it in Jojoland Harmony, otherwise known as the world's thinnest laceweight. I am so envious of Aspen's beautiful Gail, however, that I'm willing to give it a go.

I also restarted the Irishman's Sweet Georgia socks, this time toe-up in a little lace pattern of my own devising. Quite fetching, eh?

And I also cast on a pair of Anne Hanson's Bougainvillea socks, but a picture for those will have to wait until next time.

I am trying very hard to be faithful to these projects, but I have so much else I want to knit. My alpaca sweater! My Maplewing! A Rose of England!

Less blogging, more knitting.


AlisonH said...

Oh, pretty yarn...!

And, I only wish, but every time I see one of those tube thingummies with a sock growing out of it I picture shoving my yarn inside and having it magically come out done like that. If only!

Lanafactrix said...

Lol! If the tubes made their own socks, I'd have a dozen.

AlisonH said...

I just finally looked at that link. My stars. That IS thin! Absolutely beautiful...