Thursday, April 2, 2009

Socks abound

I've knit a few pairs of socks for K, and a while back we had a modeling session. Feet are his, photos are mine, special guest star is Sashimi the shiba inu.

These are Gentleman's Fancy Socks from Knitting Vintage Socks by Nancy Bush.

Yarn: Schaefer Yarn's Anne.

These are a pretty easy pattern--but they took awhile. (Fingering weight on size 0s for a man's feet . . .)

Next time . . . more socks?


Superquail said...

So who is that creature in picture 3? It looks oddly . . . feline . . .

Fellmama said...

She's K's dog, 'Shimi. She's only about 20 pounds.

Superquail said...

20 pounds? She must be bigger than she looks in the picture. What kind of dog is she?